w   h   o      a   r   e       y   o   u   ?

welcome magnificence

—meet your many me’s—

This offering is not a coaching session. It is not a reading or a channeled message. It’s a self experience. 

You are an infinite being having a finite adventure; in this hour together, we lean into the infinite.

With me as your gentle guide, you will peer into the endless realm of possibility as it filters itself through the divine forge of your personhood. Out of this forge — what Wonderchild calls your Soul Kaleidoscope — emerges all the iterations of self across time and space. These are your Many Me’s. These are what you’re here for.


The Beholding Hour

w h a t   w e   m a r v e l   a t

i     s          y     o     u

Turn the Kaleidoscope, arrange your heavenly bodies into a constellation of your choosing. Summon selves you’ve forgotten, summon selves you’ve never thought to imagine.

And hold them all in wonder.

$ 1  0  0

9 0    m i n u t e s

contact for booking at

This offering requires solitude and is best experienced with headphones. Following an invocation, you will be guided through engaging with variations of self via spoken prompts. Eyes closed is the recommendation and most of your time will be spent this way. While there will be opportunity for reflection and discussion upon closing the session, my input is not the focus here. Your intuitive and sensory experience is. This offering can be held with video call or phone call.

To learn more about The Many Me’s, The Soul Kaleidoscope, and beholding in general, explore Wonderchild’s quintessential framework The Divine Fundamentals.