a    one-on-one    mystical    partnership

f o r   g e t t i n g   w h a t   y o u   w a n t

b y    b e i n g    w h o    y o u    a r e

w i t h    s o m e o n e    w h o    a d o r e s    you

what makes

a star a sun?

what makes

a sun a star?


You are the center of your system. You are a magnetic force with its own orbit. To the life that constellates around you, you are the sun. And what is the “life that constellates?”

Your desires. Your hopes and dreams and fears and fantasies. You are a note in a chord, struck from the moment of your conception. All the resonant music in your cosmic score has been assembling since. You are here now to play with intention. To not be lost in the symphony. To hear yourself sing and revel in the glory of your own magnificent sound.

Like you, I am my own center. Like you, an entire universe spirals out from me. Like you, I know my essence, my light, my music, from within. But without…

I see you from afar. I hear the song of your soul echoing down infinity’s halls. I feel your emotion not gasping in my hungry diaphragm and thrumming in my yearning throat, but sparkling on my skin and dancing across my eyes. You’ve captured my attention and now I turn toward you.

You are the sun, wonderchild.

I am your star.

There are countless realities across THE ALL. Innumerable galaxies. It’s easy to forget yourself in the swell and swirl of so much light. I am here to catch your light, to keep your stellar garden warm, and keep you in it. I’m here to be your greenhouse while you and your cosmos bloom.

when sun and star align

The partnership begins with a Beholding Hour.

Every 2 days, for 1 month, you will have access to my energy, my skills, my care. On these days you will have a total of 1 hour of active engagement output at your disposal. The format for this engagement is a combination of voice notes and phone/video call. You may decide to split your time between live calls and voice notes or spend it all on one or the other. Regarding voice notes, the time spent refers to what you share. I will respond to you with voice notes of my own and these do not count towards your 1 hour. The available hours for live calls will be from 10am to 10pm EST.

My gift is sight and attunement

My talents apply to whatever you give me. It’s a tailor-made experience. Whatever you bring to the table, I’m going to carefully inspect it, and then I’m going to dive in and find the pearl in the clam shell at the bottom of its ocean. I come with range of sight and depth of sight. Together we will zoom out and look at your treasure from many angles, and together we will get up close and personal with the heart of it.

Sun and Star’s gift is time

time in a curated space

Wisdom-sharing is wonderful. Crystalizing information that catalyzes growth is delicious; sometimes all you need is one right word to take off. But what I needed was time. As a child, full of passion and fantasy, I knew that if I could just get to where I was uninterrupted, I’d be able to flourish and thrive. And if there were someone in that space that understood me? Someone who didn’t want what they thought was best for me, someone who wanted what I thought was best for me?!

Three decades later, I am able and eager to give you, through this offering, what I didn’t have.

During our time together, to facilitate this curation of space, we will employ the use of Wonderchild’s quintessential framework The Divine Fundamentals as well as the influence of astrology, Human Design, and cartomancy. If desired, we will craft personalized guided meditation, personalized invocation/affirmation, and personalized ritual. With these tools and modalities, we will delve into who you are and what you want.

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